Accessory GM500
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Ledningsforbundet USB 2.0
AOC G-Menu
Håndflade, Negl
8 (8 programmerbare)
1 profil
5000 DPI
"Once plugged in, the GM500 brings a veritable arsenal to the desktop. The number of customization options and added extras is impressive and builds upon a well thought out design. My overall impression is that AOC likely has left nothing on the table when putting together the GM500."
"It tracks absolutely amazingly on this mousepad (AMM700), it really does, it’s so buttery smooth it’s ridiculous. (…) Great sensor, great feel. (...) If you want a gaming mouse which has got a gaming pedigree with that Pixart sensor, but you also want to use it a s your daily driver and don’t want it to be too over the top, I think for me, personally, this looks stylish."
"Once plugged in, the GM500 brings a veritable arsenal to the desktop. The number of customization options and added extras is impressive and builds upon a well thought out design. My overall impression is that AOC likely has left nothing on the table when putting together the GM500. It’s a feature-rich desktop companion that performs admirably for very little cash. If you’re looking for something of an upgrade without the expense then the AOC GM500 seems to be able to do it all.”
Error: Previously sourced data (g-menu-monitor) are no longer available to fetch. Please remove block and add new one with correct source.
NVIDIA Reflex Analyzer
NVIDIA Reflex Analyzer giver dig mulighed for at overvåge og minimere den samlede systemforsinkelse ved at lade dig styre hver komponent. Takket være dens præcise lydhørhed og spillerkontrol kan du lokalisere flaskehalse og sørge for, at du konkurrerer med den lavest mulige latenstid.

Med DPI-knappen kan du skifte manuelt mellem fire forskellige DPI-indstillinger undervejs og vælge den rette hastighed til ethvert spil og enhver spillestil.

Optisk sensor
Den optiske Pixart 3325 gamingsensor med 5000 DPI, en sporingshastighed på 100IPS og en acceleration på 20G er det ultimative værktøj til præcision. Dine input vil blive overført til skærmen nøjagtigt og så hurtigt som muligt.

RGB (Light FX Sync RGB)
Grib dine fjender på fersk gerning, mens de prøver at snige sig ind på dig. Du kan se både rød, blå, gul eller grøn, afhængigt af hvilken farve, du stiller din mus til, eftersom den kommer med RGB-zoner med Light FX Sync RGB.

Tilpas dit spil
Denne model oplyses af RGB-baggrundslys, som giver den klassiske spillestemning. Du kan vælge forskellige farver, afhængigt af hvilket DPI-niveau, du stiller din mus på.

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